Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Upset.

The Upset is a gorgeous book full of glorious, creepy and beatiful contemporary art. You'll find such artists as gary baseman and Mark Ryden's work in there along with tens of others each one as astounding as the next. It's a treasure of a book and you can purchase it in the Hugh Lane Gallery among other places. Get It.

Monday, March 16, 2009

I must marry this man.

How hilarious is this? I love him so much!

Saturday, March 14, 2009



David Firth & Salad Fingers

This is my very favourite Salad Fingers animation!OK so it seems a bit creepy to some but I think David Firth is a flippin genius. He made his first salad fingers when he was about 17 so it seems he was an early starter with the whole warped sense of humour. Check out his webpage (not to be confused with which opens with strong warnings that it is an adult site!) You can view all the other Salad Fingers cartoons Mr. Firth has made to date along with lots of other even more scary and warped animations and pictures. You can also contact the artist but he doesn't write back *sniff*

Friday, March 13, 2009

Doggies dressed up as insects... Yummy!

Mammy, meet Jon Burgerman...

Jon Burgerman is a UK based artist who creates lovely colourful creatures for our eye pleasures. I went to an exhibitiono of his in Concrete Hermit in East London and he was there chatting away to everyone and being all talented. And there was free booze at it which was very cool.. it's one of the many great reasons to go to lots of exhibition openings.. Anyway his work sort of speaks for itself. We're friends on facebook just so you know.....

Tatty Devine=Divine

I thought everyone knew about this amazing jewellery designer but when I recently got one of her pieces people were shocked and amazed and clueless about her existence. I love her stuff. You can buy her jewellery online. I'm subsribed to her newsletter (I'm addicted to newsletters!) and it's just so nice to browse through. She makes most of it out of perspex or plastic or something... she's cool.

Ma, I <3 Haruki Murakami and Flann O' Brien.

I love these two authors above all others. They somehow manage to convince you that it is plausible that a man could talk to cats or visit alternate realities through a well or turn into a bird. I strongly recommend reading The Wind Up Bird Chronicles & Kafka on the Shore by Murakami and The Third Policeman and At Swim Two Birds by Flann O Brien. Although anything you pick up by either should bring you a world of wild imagination.